First Congregational UCC Menomonie, WI

The centrality of Jesus’ teaching to “love one another” (John 15:17) is paramount for progressive Christian communities like ours.
First Congregational United Church of Christ in Menomonie offers a variety of ministries to support and engage our community. Our ministries provide opportunities for personal growth, community involvement, and spiritual development. We welcome you to explore and be a part of our ministries.

Fellowship, or friendships around common interests, happens all the time at First Congo. Sunday coffee hours, volunteering at a fundraiser like Tour of Homes, helping out with Kids' Club, attending potlucks, committees, choir, Fall Clean-Up...
Building relationships with each other strengthens our church and Menomonie community. It is how we "practice what we preach" and often have a lot of fun and enrichment, too!

Tour of Homes
The Tour of Homes has been a fundraiser for the Women's Fellowship since 1964. Historically, the women of First Congregational have been active participants and strong financial supporters of the church. The proceeds from the Tour not only go to support church needs but also the needs of various community organizations.
As part of the tour, the church hosts the traditional Christmas Tea, the Gift Shoppe featuring homemade crafts and home decor.
A Sweet Shoppe is also located in the church parlor— with a wonderful variety of baked goods, candies and sweet treats, along with a Russian Tea mix available for purchase.

Prayer Chain
Our church Prayer Chain is emailed to those who want to stay up-to-date on recent concerns and needs in the community. Prayers are focused, positive, and compassionate acts that may happen through cards, emails/texts, a kind word, a meal, or daily remembering of a family or current struggle in our community.

Music is a rich part of our community life. Singers and instrumentalists are engaged regularly or as they are able or needed! Regular groups are the Chancel Choir and Bell Choir. Both practice on Wednesdays during the school year. Check the calendar, e-news, and newsletter to find out details. Or contact the directors. If you would like to provide special music on a Sunday in the Summer or during the year, please contact Dean Langby, our Music Director.

Creative Arts for Worship
If you enjoy creative writing, a little acting (having fun!), playing an instrument, using your decorative arts skills, there are ways to connect here. Join us for planning special worship services, on occasion or regularly, to contribute ideas and skills.

Justice Work
There is always justice work to be done. Whether it's being a presence in the community after George Floyd was killed or doing personal work to better understand White Privilege, there's always something to do to make this world better.
Keep your eyes and ears open to find things that "call" or speak to your interests. The Mission for Peace and Justice Committee and other groups keep us aware of needs and ways to participate.

Heritage Sunday
Always the Sunday before Thanksgiving, following 10 AM worship, there is butter-making, creative expressions of gratitude, last-minute preparation for our potluck Thanksgiving meal and lots of socializing. When the turkeys are carved, gravy, mashed potatoes, and the butter is made, the feast begins! All are welcome!
Our denominational roots are with the Pilgrims who came to this continent on the Mayflower. We understand that our forebears’ and other White settlers’ history with Indigenous People was tragic and less than just. However, the willingness of early Congregationalists to seek religious freedom by stepping out of their comfort zone is there in our roots. On Heritage Sunday, we take time to remember our connection with all that is provided for sustenance on our Earth, remember our heritage, and look to the future.

Worship Team
Worship services involve planning ahead, sharing ideas, teamwork, creativity, and attending to details as well as the overall theme. Collaborators include the Worship Deacon, Music Director, Office Manager, Livestream Coordinator, graphic designer, and our Ordained Minister! These people appreciate support in their efforts. Join us in worship--in person or online--and participate in our ministry to make this world a better place for all!

Intergenerational Faith Formation
Faith formation is an ongoing process throughout life!
Just as our bodies change and grow--from infancy to childhood through young adulthood to older adulthood-- so does our way of understanding the world around us.
Our faith, or what we "trust in", impacts how we live life. Loving our neighbors and care for creation are key teachings for us. Learning about our roots in the Jewish and Christian traditions helps to ground us as we continue to learn and grow in our contemporary world. Join us!

Care Ministries
Demonstrating care and compassion for our community members and beyond is important to us! Whether it’s casual visits, supportive cards, or signing up on Meal Train to provide a meal for someone, there are many ways we connect with people. Our Care Ministries group plans clothing drives, collects gift cards and keeps up with friends and members who are living in care facilities or are isolated.

Thoughtful use of our time, talents, and our resources is how we think about stewardship. Financial planning for the future, honoring the past, or making use of our church building right now are examples of community decisions.
Individuals make choices about time, sharing expertise, and financially supporting the efforts now and in the future. Click here for more information on how you can be involved in stewardship here at First Congo.

Thursday's Table
Thursday Table is a weekly, free, meal program for the community. Meals are given out Thursdays from 5-6 PM at the First Congregational UCC, 420 Wilson Ave. Menomonie, WI. using the double doors off the large parking lot on the West side of the building.
The bedrock of Thursdays Table are the many volunteers who work each week to ensure that our guests receive excellent meals. If you are interested in volunteering to be a part of this great program, please contact the Church office at 715-235-5838 or email Donations can be mailed to Thursdays Table, P.O. Box 669, Menomonie, WI 54751. Thursdays Table is a registered nonprofit corporation and all contributions are tax-deductible.
Thursdays Table is supported by contributions from individuals, other churches, and community agencies. Thursdays Table is associated with the Feed My People Food Bank in Eau Claire, WI, and Stepping Stones of Dunn County.
Menomonie is pleased to offer Free Meals 5-6 pm at four local churches: Mondays at the Methodist Church, Tuesdays at St Joseph’s Catholic Church, Wednesdays at Christ Lutheran Church, and Thursdays at First Congregational UCC!