First Congregational UCC Menomonie, WI

What to Expect
Visiting a new church for the first time can be intimidating! We hope this information will help you feel prepared.
Worship Services
At 8:30 each Sunday, a contemplative service is offered. It typically lasts a half hour, has shared leadership, and includes times of silence, singing Taize songs, readings and prayers from the Iona Community in Scotland. There is no sermon in this simple service. Typically, communion is shared on the first Sunday of each month, and the gathered group goes for coffee after worship.
The 10 AM worship service “for all ages” usually lasts about one hour and includes prayers, responsive readings, a variety of music ranging from traditional hymns, contemporary anthems, and global songs. Our ordained minister, or a guest speaker, provides a 10-15 minute message connecting the readings for the day to modern life and challenging listeners to grow in their faith and service.
The 10 AM service is livestreamed here, with archived services available on the website and on our YouTube channel.
Music is a rich part of our community life. Singers and instrumentalists are engaged regularly or as they are able or needed! Regular groups are the Chancel Choir and Bell Choir. Music, along with responsive readings and prayers, are specially chosen to enhance the theme for each service. Congregational songs, instrumental, choral, or special music are provided by our choirs, or guest musicians.
Children in Worship
Children are welcomed and valued in worship! To help our youngest members engage at an age appropriate level, we have activity bags to use in the pews, also a corner of the sanctuary, with a small table and chairs, coloring supplies, and quiet toys. Our congregation typically has youth and adults available to engage children in activities during the school year, depending on needs. We utilize our Safe Ministries Policy to keep our church a safe place for all ages.
Holy Communion
Ours is an “open table” meaning that anyone who wishes to participate is welcome to partake of the elements, regardless of age, creed, or membership. We observe the sacrament of Holy Communion most often on the first Sunday of the month. To make the sacrament as inclusive as we can our bread is always gluten-free, and we offer grape juice in addition to white wine. Sometimes trays are passed in the pews, and sometimes we come to the front to take a piece of bread and dip it in grape juice (intinction). With intinction, communion is also taken to those who wish to remain in their seats.
After the worship service ends, fellowship is a hallmark of our congregational life. This always includes coffee and often includes a wide variety of snacks. This is a chance for our members, friends, and visitors to join in conversation, check in with one another, and meet new people. On the third Sunday of each month, we have a "Bridge Coffee Hour" between the two services.
On Sunday mornings, most people enter through the double doors, off the large city lot to the West of our building. Please note: The West lot is off-limits M-F during the days; in addition, the south row of spots is leased by the adjacent rental units, 24/7. On weekends and evenings, there is plenty of parking available in the West and South parking lots, and on the streets. The South lot is used weekdays and by those who wish to use the elevator. Be sure to check the meters, if you park on the streets on weekdays.
Greeters will meet you at the West Entrance prior to the 10 AM service, to welcome you and point you in the direction of coat closets, restrooms, or anything else you might be looking for. We invite you to find the welcome table and fill out a name tag for the morning.
Ushers are on hand to give you a bulletin and help you find a seat in the sanctuary. Before worship, people are free to greet friends and visitors, or sit quietly. If you are early enough, you might even catch the choir or other special musicians rehearsing before worship begins.
There are two accessible parking spots on Wilson Avenue near the sloped sidewalk that connects to the West entrance, and two spots in the south lot. The south doors have a push-button door-opener. Our building is accessible on the main level, including the Sanctuary, restrooms, fellowship hall and kitchen. Thanks to an elevator located near the West Entrance, the lower level is also accessible, including meeting rooms, nursery, church offices, and restrooms (one gender-inclusive).
Nursery Care
Parents and children, aged 3 and under, are welcome to use our church nursery during church activities. As our nursery population grows, we will hire a regular staff member and follow our Safe Ministries Policy guidelines. Our nursery is located near the South entrance on the lower level. There is a rocking chair, a children's restroom, and a changing station available within the nursery. The 10 AM worship service livestream is available to watch, for your convenience.