First Congregational UCC Menomonie, WI
Our Mission and Covenants
To celebrate God’s presence
To help each person to grow in his or her relationship with God
To create a welcoming and supportive community of all God’s people, affirming the diversity of race, gender, age, sexual orientation, gender expression and identity, social and economic status, and the differently abled
To observe and share life’s passages and our faith traditions
To reach out in love seeking justice and peace
And to tell the old, old story of Jesus and His love.
Just Peace
For over 30 years, the Just Peace Church pronouncement has inspired a grassroots movement of UCC congregations committed to corporately naming and boldly proclaiming a public identity as a justice-doing, peace-seeking church. Most of our covenants, values, and aspirations relate directly to this over-arching theme.
Open & Affirming Covenant
We covenant as a congregation to welcome, celebrate, and include lesbian, gay, bisexual,
transgender, queer, and questioning people and their families into the full life of our church.
We take this stance publicly and proudly, knowing that silence is inadequate to confront the
violent theology that is widespread throughout the Christian church. We covenant to
support lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer, and questioning people and their
families with our prayers, words, and actions.
Behavioral Covenanting Process
A working group will soon form to guide our church family in the development of a behavioral covenant. A behavioral covenant is a written document created by a community of faith, agreed to and owned by the community, and practiced on a daily basis as a spiritual discipline. It is a way of developing common language, common commitments, and an awareness of healthy behaviors that build community.
A covenant can be as simple as:
We will communicate with care.
We will choose words that are respectful and inclusive of the various characteristics and life experiences represented among our congregational members.
We will use language to build up, not break down.
We will attend to the impact of our words and actions, and when harm is identified, we will listen and respond with care and respect.
A Behavioral Covenant is a tool that members can comfortably pick up and use precisely because members have promised to hold one another accountable around certain behaviors. Please join us!